12 July 2016

Update #1

The last few weeks have been a bit... let's say quiet since finishing school, I have been stuck at home due to the bad weather (yay, England) and haven't really had a lot to do except watch TV and eat a lot of bad food.

I finished school officially on the 17th June however I have had to go back a couple of times since to see teachers and also to put up all of my artwork (!!) for the moderators to come in and have a look at...

Exam Piece - 'Marker'

My final piece is the larger portrait in the top right corner...

Coursework - 'Home'

My final piece is the 3D HP Sauce bottle in the bottom left corner...
Last week one of my art teachers rang me to say that the moderator was really impressed with my work, which is definitely one of the best phone calls I have had in a while.

In other news, I am one step closer to going to University, my student finance came through last week telling me how much money I should be getting over the year. Sadly it was not a lot therefore I am in the midst of changing my accommodation to something more affordable, which you should all think about if you are planning to attend University in the future. 

Like I said before my life hasn't exactly been a lot of fun since finishing school, I spend weekdays stuck at home writing blog posts and stories, watching TV shows and films, picking my brother up from school and going to sports days and open afternoons. and then weekends are spent in bed doing pretty much the same thing. However, the next few weeks should be a bit more interesting, tomorrow I am going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach (which is a theme park) with five of my friends and my sister and her friends will all be there with school. Two weeks tomorrow me and my family are going on holiday to Spain for two weeks then we get back in time for my cousins wedding, which should both be exciting. Then it is my best friends 18th birthday so we will be hitting the town! The only daunting thing is exam results day on the 18th August, not looking forward to that.

Let me know what you're up to, have you finished school? Are you hoping to attend University in September?


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