29 June 2016

Take Two

As I write this I have sunken into my sofa, dressed in my comfiest pyjamas and fluffy dressing gown, a steaming cup of tea at my side, what can I say, I'm British. In the comfort of my own home listening to the rain - that I not too long ago escaped - hitting the window I have finally decided to give this blogging malarkey another go...

I took a brief... 30 minute... break from writing this to take photographs in the rain

So 'Take Two' is my new blog, yes new. This is not the first or the second blog that I have ever made, so 'Take Two' was the name I came up with as a means of starting afresh and giving it another go. I'm not going to waffle on about my blog and what I want it to be because lets be honest I'm not really too sure yet myself. What I do know however is that I want this space to represent me, utterly and completely me, I don't want it to become fake and staged because I am not about that life. 

Lets talk about me...

I'm Hannah (did I say that?) and a couple of months ago I turned eighteen, about seven months before that I was beginning my A levels and had also started looking into universities. The A levels that I studied were Art, Textiles, English Literature and Media Studies. Now it is the end of June, nearly July, all of my coursework and exams are now (finally) completed and I'm stuck in that waiting phase, results day can not come fast enough. I am planning to attend Nottingham Trent University in September, if I get the right grades, to study Fashion Communications and Promotions as I want a job in the fashion industry that involves different creative elements, such as writing, photography, styling and more. I'm indecisive of what I want as a career, what can I say. 

I've never really been one for hobbies, yes like every awkward little girl I loved to draw, read and write, but I was terrible at almost every sport and instruments, still am to be honest. Sadly as I grew up, and particularly in the last few years, I didn't have as much time to do the things I loved of my own accord. Yes of course with the A levels I studied I got to draw and read and write but I was never completely interested in those books or particularly fond of writing 3000 word essays, I mean who is? But hopefully this blog might be a new hobby for me!

I'm going to stop waffling now anyway, hopefully anyone who ever reads this enjoys it and continues to read my blog...(thank you if that's you)


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