29 June 2016

One Rainy Afternoon

If you've read my first post then you will know that it was a rainy day, I even took a break from writing that post to go outside, in the rain and once it had stopped, to take some photographs. I was really happy with how some of the photographs turned out so I thought that I would share them here...

How pretty are these flowers though?

Take Two

As I write this I have sunken into my sofa, dressed in my comfiest pyjamas and fluffy dressing gown, a steaming cup of tea at my side, what can I say, I'm British. In the comfort of my own home listening to the rain - that I not too long ago escaped - hitting the window I have finally decided to give this blogging malarkey another go...

I took a brief... 30 minute... break from writing this to take photographs in the rain

22 June 2016


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